Principles and Operational Framework

The principles and operating framework of the Institute are generally determined by the provisions of the Internal Regulations of PAPEK. The results of its operation are expected to bring significant benefits to the society of the Ionian Islands as well as the country.


The digitization of health services is expected to be one of the most important factors in the transformation of the health sector in the coming years. Digital technologies have the potential to radically transform the industry, however the challenges they pose are significant: regulatory barriers, financial constraints, but also difficulties in effectively digitizing patient data. Added to this landscape are global trends such as an aging population and general constraints on government spending, factors that make effective transformation of the healthcare industry imperative, with digital technologies playing a central role in this change.


The change in the healthcare industry is expected to be primarily focused on the patient, who will assume the role of "healthcare consumer" as they seek control over their health management. The sector will be shaped based on the needs and expectations of this new "health services consumer", who will demand upgraded experiences, with the main characteristics being personalization, comfort, speed and immediacy in the provision of services.


In this direction, two important changes are expected: First, the change in the area of care provision, which will be gradually transferred from the hospital area to the patient area. Secondly, the change in the way of care, i.e. emphasis on the prevention and "cure" of the disease before it makes its appearance. Outpatient care will be the new way of care, with virtual and remote care ensuring the population's universal access to health services. This shift will contribute to changing the model of the health system, with less emphasis on the physical expansion of hospital units and more on the development of structures to provide care services of increased access and quality at a lower cost. New digital technologies will make this shift possible, bringing significant benefits to patients as well as health facilities, through improving efficiency and effectiveness as well as increasing productivity and reducing their operating costs.

Updated: 01-12-2023
InDiBioInstitute of Digital Biomedicine
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